Ancor CXT 250 Fibre Channel Switch

The Ancor CXT 250 is an ANSI-standard Fibre Channel switch that provides from 8 to 64 parallel, nonblocking ports with a communications rate of 266 megabits per port. Featuring two-dimensional time and space division switching technology, the CXT 250 supports simultaneous physical connection and connectionless service (Fibre Channel Class 1, 2, 3, & Intermix communication). Connection service is characterized by very fast connection setup for predictable high-bandwidth transfers of large data blocks, such as those used for file transfers and video images. Connectionless service is optimized for low-latency transfer of small messages.

Sales Department

Ancor Communications, Inc.
6130 Blue Circle Drive
Minnetonka, MN 55343
612-932-4037 (fax)

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